Administrators Appreciation Awards

A forum for those starting out in microscopy. Post images and ask questions relating to the microscope and get answers from our more advanced users on the subject.

Moderator: Ken Ramos

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Ken Ramos
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Posts: 4809
Joined: Tue May 04, 2004 7:58 pm
Location: Western North Carolina

Administrators Appreciation Awards

Post by Ken Ramos »

Well we are all settled in our new home and as you know it is time for us to post the Administrators Appreciation Awards. So without further delay, this months winners are; Bubble hairs of Chenopodium II in Microphotography and Spittle Bug Nymph in the Macrophotography Forums. So, lets all go over to the Administrators Apprecieation Forums and give these guys a big hand. :D
Site Admin.
Kenneth Ramos
Rutherfordton, North Carolina
Kens Microscopy
Reposts of my images within the galleries are welcome, as are constructive critical critiques.
